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Proximal and distal honor fit and subjective well-being in the Mediterranean region.
Journal of Personality.

Kirchner-Häusler, A., Schönbrodt, F.D., Uskul, A.K., Vignoles, V.L., Rodriguez-Bailón, R., Castillo, V.A., Cross, S.E., Gezici-Yalçın, M., Harb, C., Husnu, S., Ishii, K., Karamaouna, P., Kafetsios, K., Kateri, E., Matamoros-Lima, J., Miniesy, R, Na, J., Özkan, Z., Pagliaro, S., Psaltis, C., Rabie, D., Teresi, M., & Uchida, Y. (2024)

Belief in negative change in intelligence: Whether and (if so) how it can add to the implicit theories of intelligence.
Personality and Individual Differences.

Kim, J., Hong, S., & Na, J. (2024).

Brief report: the role of mind-wandering (spontaneous vs. deliberate) in directing job boredom towards job satisfaction and counterproductive work behavior.
Current Psychology.

Kim, G., Min, J. & Choi, E. (2024).

만 2세 이하 자녀를 둔 취업모의 육아지원 서비스 이용 과정.
한국심리학회지 : 문화 및 사회문제.

김은지, 한주연,  도승이,  최은수, & 박준하. (2024).

측정 비불변성이 ANCOVA에 기반한 처치효과 추론에 미치는 영향: 응답이동에 의한 절편 비동일성을 중심으로.

황유경, 석혜원. (2024).

청년희망키움통장 사업 참여 경험이 있는 생계 급여 수급 근로 빈곤 청년의 정서적 자립과 경제적 자립 간의 관계 검증을 통한 자립 과정에 대한 탐구.


최상미, 이의빈. (2024).

The structure of emotion regulation strategies in Korea.

Personality and Individual Differences.

Kim, H., Han, H., & Kim, H. S. (2024).

Exploring predictors of depression with a focus on emotion regulation flexibility for positive and negative.
Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Kim, H. & Kim, H. S. (2024).

The relationships between multiple facets of self-concept clarity and depression.
Self and Identity.

Baik, S. Y., Lee, S. H., & Kim, H. S. (2024).

희망의 심리학: 희망의 개념과 연구 동향을 중심으로.
한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격.

정예슬, 나진경, 김진형 (2024).

Liking predicts judgments of authenticity in real-time interactions more robustly than personality states or affect.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Rivera, G. N., Kim, J., Kelley, N. J., Hicks, J. A., & Schlegel, R. J. (2024).

The role of interpersonal mattering vs. cosmic mattering in the experience of meaning in life.
The Journal of Positive Psychology.

Guthrie, D., Maffly-Kipp, J., Gause, C., Kim, J., Martela, F., & Hicks, J. A. (2024).

자기주도적 학습 시간과 우울 간 관계: 학업 성취도의 매개효과와 자율성 지지 양육방식의 조절효과를 중심으로.

김진원, 이의빈 (2024).

부모의 성취압력 및 학습관여가 아동의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 학업 스트레스와 학업적 실패내성의 매개효과에 주목하여.

이의빈, 김진원, 김소연 (2023).

Cultural fit of emotions and subjective well-being: Replicating comparative evidence and extending it to the Mediterranean region.
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.

Kirchner-Häusler, A., De Leersnyder, J., Uskul, A. K., Mirzada, F., Vignoles, V. L., Rodríguez-Bailón, R., Castillo, V. A., Cross, S. E., Gezici-Yalçın, M., Harb, C., Husnu, S., Ishii, K., Karamaouna, P., Kafetsios, K., Kateri, E., Matamoros-Lima, J., Miniesy, R., Na, J., Özkan, Z., ... & Uchida, Y. (2023).

행복에 대한 본질주의적 믿음이 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향: 인간관계에 대한 인식을 매개로.
한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격.

유지연, 나진경 (2023).

불공정 경험과 체제정당화 신념의 관계에서 사회계층의 조절효과.
한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격.

김지수, 김영주, 나진경 (2023).

Corticolimbic structural connectivity encapsulates real-world emotional reactivity and happiness.
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience.

Kim, M., Shin, S., Jyung, M., Choi, J. A., Choi, I., Kim, M. J., & Sul, S. (2023).

Paradoxical impacts of social relationship on well-being during the covid-19 pandemic.

Journal of Happiness Studies.

Lee, S. S., Shim, Y., Choi, J., & Choi, I. (2023).

다문화이데올로기가 이주외국인에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향: 국가정체성의 조절효과.
문화교류와 다문화교육.

전윤령, 최종안 (2023).

Discriminant analysis of high-risk recidivism in criminal offenders based on psychopathological factors from MMPI-2-RF profiles.
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. 

Koh, M. K., & Kim, H. S. (2023).

공공기관 근로자의 기본 심리 욕구 충족이 직무 태도와 이직 의도에 미치는 영향: 세대 차이를 중심으로.
한국심리학회지: 산업 및 조직.

김가람, 장상원, 박지훈, 최은수 (2023).

한국인의 지루함: 일상에서의 경험 표집 방법을 사용하여.
한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격.

김가람, 정세원, 최은수 (2023).

가정-일 방해 평판 염려가 성역할 태도에 미치는 영향: 성별 차이를 중심으로.
지역과 세계 (구 사회과학연구).

김은지, 박연주, 최은수 (2023).

저소득층 청소년의 부모지지와 학교적응 간의 관계에서 학습된 무기력의 매개 효과.

전윤령, 최종안 (2023).

For the love of my child: How parents’ relative extrinsic aspirations for children and interdependent self-construal pedict their relational well-being.
Motivation and Emotion.

Chen, K., Kim, J., Zhang, H., Clark, D. A., & Schlegel, R. J. (2023).

Gender differences in perceived legitimacy and status perception in leadership role.
Frontiers in Psychology. 

Cha, H., Uchida, Y., & Choi, E. (2023).

Older people are not always happier than younger people: The moderating role of personality.
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.

Kim, J. H., Choi, E., Kim, N., & Choi, I. (2023).

Asymmetric effects of holding power vs. status: Implications for motivation and group dynamics.
 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Choi, J. S., Hong, S., Na, J., & Kim, B. K.  (2023)

Are They Giving Scarce Resources Away? Types of Prosocial Behavior Modulate the Prosocial Effects of Target Social Class on Others.
Accepted at Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Han, E. J., Choi, J., S., & Na, J. (2023)

Neither Eastern nor Western: Patterns of independence and interdependence in Mediterranean societies.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Uskul, A. K., Kirchner-Häusler, A., Vignoles, V. L., Rodríguez-Bailón, R., Castillo, V. A., Cross, S. E., Gezici Yalçın, M., Harb, C., Husnu, S., Ishii, K., Jin, S., Karamouna, P., Kafetsios, K., Kateri, E., Matamaros-Lima, J., Liu, D., Miniesy, R., Na, J., Özkan, Z., Pagliaro, S., Psaltis, C., Rabie, D., Teresi, M., & Uchida, Y. (2023).

Implicit theories of happiness: When happiness is viewed as changeable, happy people are perceived much more positively than unhappy people. 

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Hong, E. K., Kim, J., & Choi, I. (2023).

Inflammatory Markers and Brain Volume in Patients with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. 
Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience.

Yang, C., Choi, K. M., Han, J., Kim, H. S., Park, S. S., & Lee, S. H. (2023).

Disgust sensitivity relates to attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women across 31 nations.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.

Van Leeuwen, F., Inbar, Y., Petersen, M. B., Aarøe, L., Barclay, P., Barlow, F. K., Choi, J.,  ... & Tybur, J. M. (2023).

강원도 지역의 행복 변화: 코로나 19 (COVID-19) 팬데믹 전후의 행복 차이를 중심으로.

김남희, 최종안. (2023).

Gender gap in parental leave intentions: Evidence from 37 countries.
Political Psychology.

Olsson, M. I., Van Grootel, S., Block, K., Schuster, C., Meeussen, L., Van Laar, C., ... & Martiny, S. E. (2023).

Proximal and Distal Honor Fit and Subjective Well-Being in the Mediterranean Region. 
Journal of Personality.

Kirchner-Häusler, A., Schönbrodt, F.D., Uskul, A.K., Vignoles, V.L., Rodriguez-Bailón, R., Castillo, V.A., Cross, S.E., Gezici-Yalçın, M., Harb, C., Husnu, S., Ishii, K., Karamaouna, P., Kafetsios, K., Kateri, E., Matamoros-Lima, J., Miniesy, R., Na, J., Özkan, Z., Pagliaro, S., Psaltis, C., Rabie, D., Teresi, M. and Uchida, Y. (2023).

Experiential appreciation as a pathway to meaning in life.
Nature Human Behaviour.

Kim, J., Flanagan, P., Martela, F., Shanahan, C., Li, Z., Zhang, H., Eisenbeck, N., Carreno, D., Schlegel, R. J., & Hicks, J. A. (2022).

The Role of Coping Strategies in Maintaining Well-Being During the COVID-19 Outbreak in South Korea.
Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Kim, J. H., Shim, Y., Choi, I., & Choi, E. (2022).

To drink, or to exercise: That is (not) the question! Daily effects of alcohol consumption and exercise on well-being.
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.

Lee, S. S., Yu, K., Choi, E., & Choi, I. (2022).

Gender discrimination in workplace and depressive symptoms in female employees in South Korea.
Journal of Affective Disorders.

Kim, S., Won, E., Jeong, H.-G., Lee, M.-S., Ko, Y.-H., Paik, J.-W., Han, C., Ham, B.-J., Choi, E., & Han, K.-M. (2022).

Regrets over “me” versus regrets over “us”: The influence of culture on action versus inaction regrets.
Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 

Namkoong, J.-e., Ro, J. H., Hur, T., & Choi, E. (2022).

코로나 상황 속 마스크 착용에 대한 외현적 태도와 암묵적 태도.
한국 심리학회지: 사회및성격

한은진, 나진경, 방준호, 설선혜 (2022)

코로나19와 마스크: 한국과 미국을 중심으로 본 마스크 착용에서의 동서양 문화차이. 
한국 심리학회지: 사회및성격

강민혜, 정찬문, 나진경 (2022).

Age, Gender and One’s Perception of Discrimination Against Men Versus Women in Korea.
Psychological Reports.

Lee, Y. J., Na, J., & Kim, B. K. (2022).

How does money make life meaningful? Socioeconomic status, financial self-efficacy, and meaning in life.
The Journal of Positive Psychology.

Ward, S., & Kim, J. (2022).

Agentic meaning-making: Free will beliefs, sense-making, and psychological distress experienced following collective traumas.
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.

Maffly-Kipp, J., Gause, C., Kim, J., Vess, M., & Hick, J. A. (2022).

Greater variability in daily sleep efficiency predicts depression and anxiety in young adults: Estimation of depression severity using the two-week sleep quality records of wearable devices. 
Frontiers in Psychiatry.

Lim, J-A., Yun, J-Y., Choi, S-H., Park, S., Suk, H. W., & Jang, J. H. (2022). 

자기자비 글쓰기 프로그램이 대학생의 사회불안에 미치는 영향: 자기비난, 자기개념 명확성, 사회비교경향성을 중심으로. 
한국심리학회지: 상담 및 심리치료.

양나은, 김향숙 (2022).

Risk and Protective Factors for Childhood Physical Abuse and Suicidal Ideation. 
Psychiatry Investigation.

Yang, C., Kwon, A., Jung, B., Lee, H., Kim, H. S., & Lee, S. H. (2022).

Longitudinal examinations of changes in well-being during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic: Testing the roles of extraversion and social distancing.
Journal of Research in Personality.

Choi, J., Kim, N., Kim, J., & Choi, I. (2022).

Treatment efficacy of tDCS and predictors of treatment response in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. 
Journal of Affective Disorders.

Han, J., Choi, K. M., Yang, C., Kim, H. S., Park, S. S., & Lee, S. H. (2022).

A distanced perspective reduces negative affective responses through rational view in recalling and writing angry experience.
International Journal of Psychology. 

Cho, M. H., & Na, J. (2022)

The Influence of Knowledge, Trust, and Perceived Risk on Firefighters’ Preparedness and Willingness to Respond to Nuclear Emergencies: The Case of South Korea.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science.

Choi, J., Lee, S., & Choi, H. (2022)

Socioeconomic status differences in psychological responses to unfair treatments: Behavioral evidence of a vicious cycle.

Kim ,Y., Jung, J., & Na, J. (2022) 

강원도 지역의 외로움의 차이: 사회경제적 요인이 외로움에 미치는 영향을 중심으로.

김남희, 최종안* (2022).

Impact of long-term exposure to air pollution on cognitive decline in older adults without dementia.
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Park, S. Y., Han, J., Kim, S. H., Suk, H. W., Park, J. E., & Lee, D. Y. (2022).

Social Class—Not Income Inequality—Predicts Social and Institutional Trust.
Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Kim, Y., Sommet, N., Na, J., & Spini, D. (2022).

Impact of face masks and sunglasses on emotion recognition in South Koreans.
PLoS One.

Kim, G., Sung, S., & Choi, E.* (2022).

The Olympic Paradox: The Olympics and Intergroup Biases.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.

Kim, Y., & Na, J. (2022).

True-self-as-guide lay theory endorsement across five cultures.
Self and Identity.

Kim, J., Chen, K., Rivera, G. N., Hong, E. K., Kamble, S., Scollon, C. N., Sheldon, K. M. Zhang, H., & Schlegel, R. J. (2022).

Darling, Come Lay with Me or Talk with Me: Perceived Mattering and the Complementary Association between Sex and Communication within Marital Relationships.
Journal of Sex Research.

Park, H. G., Suk, H. W., Cheon, J. E., & Kim, Y-H. (2022).

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